Boardrooms “need to get a bit technical” if they’re to understand and manage the risks they face, says CEO Martin.
The CQURE Founder and CEO explains her perspective on the foremost challenges that now face cyber security expertise.
Biometric authentication development solution supports Windows, Android and Linux platforms.
Europe is poised to make strides toward the creation of a cross-sector, pan-national cyber security ecosystem, explains ECSO’s Secretary General Luigi Rebuffi.
Nearly one-in-three corporate data breaches get employees fired – including top managers – according to study by Kaspersky Lab.
Secure file transfer and network management software vendor Ipswitch is exhibiting the latest versions of its MOVEit secure file transfer and WhatsUp Gold network monitoring at it-sa 2018 this week.
Verizon to launch subscription-based Threat Intelligence Platform to track attacks trending across its IP backbone network.
Vendor renews call for Wi-Fi industry players to join forces and find way to ensure that wireless services have security built-in as a primary feature at IT security expo.
Insiders now pose as much of a cyber security risk as external threats – and it’s not just the hidden hackers: trusted staff can also cause major security problems.
Sectors such as healthcare have a driving need for action in IT security – and are also doing more than other industries to increase their investments in better protected IT infrastructure, according to new research from the it-sa 2018 IT security expo and congress (October 9-11, Nuremberg).
Nearly 30% of organisations do not feel ‘completely compliant’ with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a survey of IT professionals by Imperva has revealed.
Organisations experience data breaches due to regular business users, mid-level managers, ex-employees — and the IT crowd.